Saturday, November 29, 2008

How I came into the world

Well, dear friends and family, I've made my grand entrance into the world and am doing wonderfully :) Against the odds, I decided to arrive precisely on my due date, the 23rd of November. It was a beautiful birth, and exactly as my mum wanted it to be. She arrived at the hospital at 10.30 pm after a couple of hours of contractions growing increasingly stronger, and I was born a bit over an hour later, at 11.45 pm. So I made my due date, only just :) 
I was delivered without any use of pain medication (there was no time, for one thing ;p) and in water. It was all rather mellow, dim lights and kind delivery nurses and lots of good vibes. Grandma Linda was there with us and she was a wonderful help throughout. She got the honour of cutting my umbilical cord, and after that my mum and I were moved to bed and got to relax and get to know each other. Right from the start, I've been very clever in all that I do, as well as a calm and serene sort of baby. The last few days have been all about settling in and finding out how we work best as a team. There will be more details later, right now we're still very busy with the getting-to-know each other. :)

Thank you everyone for all the kind wishes and congratulations. My mum will let you know about the development of things as they happen, and slowly but surely get in touch with you :)

Much love from Tanja and "Still Secret" Michaelsson

At my moment of birth:

Weight: 3690 grams
Length:  51 centimeters
Head circumference:  35 centimeters
Hair: Black/dark brown, straight and lots of it!!
Eyes: Brown and blue, with a touch of green (very unusual and pretty)

Two days before I came into the world. That would make this 39 weeks and 5 days :P

Just after I was moved from the bath where I was born, being held by my mum.

Just a few minutes old, looking at my mum.

Less than an hour old, about to be dressed in a minute.

First, must contemplate strange device being aimed at me!

And here I am being dressed for the first time!!

And kissed and loved :)

Dressed and well aware of my surroundings, I am shiny and new and beautiful <3


Anonymous said...

Gaman að lesa og æðislegar myndir :O)


Anonymous said...

Velkominn í heiminn, fallega barn. <3

Hulda R. Jónsdóttir said...

hann er æði! :D
hlakka til að fá að sjá hann live. :D

til hamingju með hann! :P

Anonymous said...

hien ass sou wonnerschéin, ech muss all daag fotoen kucke goen! du bas sou eng fantastesch mama! ech freen mech mega fir dech!! an ech freen mech nach vill méi wann mer eis eremgesin! decken kuss tanja :* knuddel knuddel knuddel * * * *

Anonymous said...

Hann er yndislegur!! Vonandi njótið þið mæðgin lífsins og hafið það gott!!
Vissiru að Karen sem var að vinna með okkur á að eiga í næstu viku!!
..ooh manni langar bara að knúsa þessa litlu dúllu :)
stórt knús
frá Bryndísi afmælisdagsdeilara!!

tinna schram said...

TIL HAMINGJU!!!! Hann er svo sæææætur! ;)

Endilega láttu mig vita þegar ég má koma í heimsókn með chruncy nut ;)

Anonymous said...

Heyrðu ég var búin að commenta, það hefur horfið!

Vildi bara segja hvað hann er gullfallegur! yndislegur, þetta er svo yndislegt! Og frábært að heyra hvað allt gekk vel! Stórt knús á þig og auðvitað líka á litla kút!

kv. Lea :*

Anonymous said...

liebe tanja,wir gratulieren dir von ganzem ist sehr schön dich wiederzu sehen,wenn auch nur so auf dem blog,aber ihr kommt sicher einmal nach.lux.von andrea und zoltan auch ein dicke kuss für euch zwei.l.g.irene(mama vom noémi)

Anonymous said...

Innilega til hamingju með fallega drenginn þinn!! Gaman að heyra hvað þetta gekk vel hjá þér,
Bestu kveðjur
Guðrún Sigríður

Novia said...

Beutiful. Welcome! :)