Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How I grew

This is the first picture taken where it's visible that I am on my way into the world :) Taken at around the 15th week.

20th week, filling out a little more :p

24th week, not much change, really...

25th week, already a bigger difference :D

26th week....

Week 30! Starting to get big ;)

Week 35! And I seem to be shrinking?

That's my development over the last few months. Pictures are few and far between, but it's all that is currently available. There will be another update soon with more recent pictures. I sure decided to grow a lot in the last 4 weeks! I'll make a handsome baby ;)

Much love to you all.


Anonymous said...

hey tanja

wi schein dech an dein bauch ze gesin! dkussi

maach nach fotoen vun dir drop ;) (huet meng mamm gesot ;))

Unknown said...

Sætast í heimi.


Anonymous said...

Tanja ég býst við að það sé alveg nóg að gera hjá þér en ef þú kemst í það að setja eina mynd af litla prinsinum þá væri það æði! langar svo að sjá hann :D

knús knús og hafið það gott :*

kv. Lea

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